The Slave Census or Slave Schedules
The following census data shows the Slave Schedules, or list of slaves living at Belmont Mansion in the years 1850 and 1860. The only person listed by name in the Slave Schedule was usually the enslaver, in this case Joseph Acklen. Typically the age, gender, and color (black or mulatto) of each person is given. Slave schedules usually listed people by age and not by family groupings.
Next to the Slave Schedule of 1860 is information about Belmont Mansion from the agricultural census of 1860. The agricultural census for any given year detailed information regarding a farmer’s crop production.
1850 Slave Census
The Slave Census for 1850 was enumerated on October 24 & 25, 1850
# Age Gender Complexion
1 30 Male Black
1 25 Male Black
1 25 Male Mulatto
1 20 Male Black
1 25 Male Mulatto
1 20 Femaie Black
1 20 Female Black
1 12 Male Black
1 10 Male Black
1 8 Female Black
1 4 Male Black
1 3 Female Black
1 4/12 Female Black
Total of 13 people: 5 men and 2 women with 6 children
1860 Slave Census
Age Gender Complexion
45 Female Mulatto|
30 Female Black
30 Male Black
30 Male Black
25 Female Mulatto
25 Female Black
25 Male Black
25 Male Black
24 Female Mulatto
24 Male Black
22 Female Black
22 Male Mulatto
20 Female Black
20 Male Black
20 Male Black
18 Female Mulatto
18 Male Black
18 Male Black
16 Female Black
15 Female Black
13 Male Black
12 Male Black
11 Male Black
10 Female Mulatto
8 Female Black
6 Female Black
5 Male Black
4 Male Black
3 Male Black
3 Male Black
2 Male Black
1 Female Black
*Slave Schedule, United States Census, 1860.
+United States Agriculture Census, 1860.
1860 Agricultural Census
Horses: 14
Mules: 6
Milk Cows: 6
Other Cattle: 15
Sheep: 20
Swine: 15
Value of Livestock: $5,650
Bushels of Indian Corn: 500
Bushels of Oats: 300
Wool: 40(?)
Bushels of Irish Potatoes: 75
Bushels of Sweet Potatoes: 75
Pounds of Butter: 350
Tons of Hay: 40
Slave Information*
Total Number of Slaves (West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, and Belmont): 691
Belmont: 32
Slave Age Range: 1-45
Number of Males: 18
Number of Females: 14
10 Male adults
10 Female adults
12 under the age of 15
10 slave cabins
8 brick cabins with 2 rooms each
Turkey House
Poultry House
Stable and corn crib
Barn with shed
Overseer’s House