Wallpaper Installation in Library
It is an exciting day at Belmont Mansion, wallpaper installation has begun in the Library! The Library restoration project began in January 2014 with paint analysis on the ceiling, which reveal traces of the original mural design. In early summer, a decorative painted worked tirelessly to recreate the look of Adelicia's ceiling. Beginning in late summer, all of the wood door and window frames were painted using an elaborate faux graining technique. We have now entered into the last stage of the process; the period reproduction wallpaper is being installed.
The reproduction wallpaper arrived at Belmont Mansion in 27" wide strips, the modern day standard for wallpaper patterns. Since we are working with an historic pattern, the pattern is only 18" wide, the Victorian era standard. The team of installers are first cutting each strip to 18", then applying wallpaper paste before allowing the paste to settle for five minutes. After the paper and paste have settled, the wallpaper is installed creating the beautiful look seen below.
This wallpaper is one of the final stages of this large scale restoration of the Library, we are eager to reveal the newly restored room in its entirety!