Restoration Continues in the Billiard Room
The Billiard Room continues to be the focus of Belmont’s restoration work. Our 1850s ceiling design is now complete. Grace Abernethy is beginning replication of the straight grain oak patterning (circa 1860), on wooden elements of the room.
After major restructuring of the north end of the room occurred in 1860, a total redecoration of the room was required. Along with a new graining pattern on all wooden trim, French gilded wallpaper was installed. A reproduction of that historic wallpaper is now in hand.
We’ve located a local conservator to begin preservation of our floor cloth remnant, also dating from 1860. Artwork by Grace for the floor cloth will be next to create a full-size reproduction of the original pattern.
Alf Sharp is progressing well on our billiard table restoration. He has now carved the second of the four legs. Our ever-diligent master carpenter, Marshall Switzer is reproducing a door from the Billiard Room to the Service Gallery.